ARICOMA Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Report


The ESG presents an opportunity for us as ARICOMA Group to showcase our activities for a more sustainable future. It is our goal to take real action and make big leaps towards continuous improvement, making sure our strategy is achieved in practice, not just on paper. We are highly dedicated to continually cultivating the environment within the company and making tireless efforts to leave a positive impact on society as a whole. In the words of Milan Sameš, Chairman of the Executive Committee in ARICOMA Group, “we take responsible and sustainable behavior in relation to the environment, to be a standard reflected in all of our activities.”

Our ESG Report demonstrates the real efforts of the ARICOMA Group and its individual companies that contribute to improving the environment, and offers a look into the practices that ARICOMA takes as a responsible entity towards sustainability, as well as various accomplishments the ARICOMA Group makes though proper strategy and execution of sustainability plans.

Previous reports: